Secrets to Owning Your Personal Brand

I have been waiting to re-brand my blog and this topic of personal branding has been on my heart and mind… more like tugging on my heart and mind. Notice anything different? Yeah, welcome to THE Modern Rose… in like the only one out there. This is my personal brand. This is me.

We all have this concept of wanting to represent ourselves in a positive way– a beacon of light, if you will. But have you thought about that representation as a brand for you personally? Everywhere you go someone is recognizing that “thing” because of the brand attached to it. That brand could be you, but you playin’…

A lot of content bloggers and podcasts talk about this concept, but its not discussed enough. This should be shouted from the rooftops because its BIG. Personal branding is just as important as the brand you obsess over or the brand you work for, except it’s all about you.
Back to basics: what is a branding? In the overall sense, it is what people describe a product or a associate a product with. How do you do that with yourself? Great question. Think about your personal brand (or how you represent yourself) as “what are people going to say about me?” Your brand is what you put out to get back in. Its your ideas, content, personality, style, your engagement level… it’s your story. Your brand is more than just what you say about yourself or that 60 second “elevator pitch” you have mocked up in your mind. Your brand is literally an invisible label that not seen, but heard and felt. It makes an impact. So how are you going to create your own personal brand??

Top 5 things that come to my mind when I think about my personal brand:

  1. be consistent
  2. be bold
  3. be engaging
  4. show your personality
  5. tell your story

Being consistent is more than just creating everything to be streamlined and similar its not going back on your word, be precise and clear but make an impact with every word that comes out of your mouth evenly. Show that you are dependable for the people that buy into your personal brand.
Be bold. Like really… BE BOLD. Say what’s on your mind and mean it, but be professional with your confidence. No one likes arrogance.
Be present and consistent. Stop worrying about the things you cannot control like the past and future and engage with in front of you now. What you put out into the universe will come back to you– people will want to hear what you have to say, only if you are genuinely present with what they are saying. You have got to be present and comfortable with that. With being present, be you! Stop being what you think people want out of you and just do you. Lastly, tell your own story and own it. Success can be taken away from us at a moments notice, but own your story and success as if it wasn’t. Your story and successes need to be recognized every day. So OWN IT. Your story of you is what gives you credibility and creates the cherry on top of your personal brand… & you’ve got to work for it every day.

No idea or brand was created over night and your personal brand won’t be refined over night either. Think about how you want to represent yourself. That next job, creating your resume, those are all ingredients to a beautiful recipe that people will remember.

